ISSN 0973 - 9289
HIV IN from Pediatric Oncall is a part of Pediatric Oncall Health Professional Network. The Pediatric Oncall Health Professional Network is comprised of several websites:,,, (referred to collectively as the "Professional Sites"), including any mobile optimized versions of the Professional Sites and the Pediatric Oncall apps. These properties are owned and operated by Pediatric Oncall. To show case your work, unusual case report or pose a diagnostic dilemma, this is just the platform for you.

Submission of manuscripts
The manuscript should be submitted directly by filling in "SUBMIT ARTICLE" form online on The Pediatric Oncall Health Professional Network Site. Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

General Requirements
  • HIV CHILD All aspects of the manuscript (tables, illustrations, and references) should be prepared according to  the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requirements.
  • HIV CHILD Author Listing. All authors' names should be listed in their entirety. All authors must clearly present  institutional/professional affiliations and degrees held.
  • HIV CHILD Keywords. Authors should provide keywords on the title page
  • HIV CHILD  Units of Measure. Authors should use Système International (SI) values.
  • HIV CHILD Proprietary Products. Authors should use nonproprietary names of drugs or devices unless mention of a manufacturer is pertinent to the discussion. If a proprietary product is cited, the name and location of the manufacturer must also be included.
  • HIV CHILD References. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Citations should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Review articles should be appropriately cited. References should be in Vancouver style. Abbreviated journal names should reflect the style of Index Medicus.
Preparation of manuscripts
  • HIV CHILD Regular articles (Original articles, Review Articles, Educational Articles, Case Reports, Guidelines, Consensus Statement) require a structured abstract.
  • HIV CHILD Image Gallery, Diagnostic Dilemma and Viewers Choice (Letter to Editor) do not require an abstract.
  • HIV CHILD Each article should have a title page. The title page must include author names, degrees, and institutional/professional affiliations, short title, abbreviations, keywords, financial disclosure and conflict of interest. Please include the contact information for the corresponding author (e.g., address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address).
Word Limit
Original Articles, Review Articles, Educational Articles:

Abstract Length: 300 words or fewer
Article length: 3,000 words or fewer

Case Report:

Abstract length: 200 words or fewer
Article length: 1,5000 words or fewer

Viewer's Choice, Image Gallery:

Article length: 500 words or fewer

Guidelines, Consensus Statements:

Abstract length: 300 words or fewer
Article length: 4,000 words or fewer

NOTE: References and Abstracts are not included in the word count.

Original Articles
Components of an original article include:
  • HIV CHILD Structured Abstract
    A structured abstract must include headings, such as Objective, Patients and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The objective should clearly state the hypothesis; patients and methods, inclusion criteria and study design; results, the outcome of the study; and conclusions, the outcome in relation to the hypothesis and possible directions of future study.
  • HIV CHILD Introduction
    A 1- to 2-paragraph introduction outlining the wider context that generated the study and the hypothesis.
  • HIV CHILD Patients and Methods
    A "Patients and Methods" section detailing inclusion criteria and study design to ensure reproducibility of the research.
  • HIV CHILD Discussion
    An expanded discussion highlighting antecedent literature on the topic and how the current study changes the perception of a disease process.
  • HIV CHILD Conclusion
    A concluding paragraph presenting the impact of the study and possible new research on the subject.
Review Article
Review Articles combine and/or summarize data from the knowledge base of a topic. These articles can include systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Structured abstracts for systematic reviews are recommended and headings should include: Context, Objective, Data Sources, Study Selection, Data Extraction, Results, and Conclusions.

Case Reports
Case Report articles highlight unique presentations of disease processes to expand the differential diagnosis and improve patient care. Case Report articles should be structured as follows:
  • HIV CHILD Abstract
    An unstructured abstract that summarizes the case(s).
  • HIV CHILD Introduction
    A brief introduction (recommended length, 1-2 paragraphs).
  • HIV CHILD Patient Presentation
    A case report section that details patient presentation, initial diagnosis, and outcome.
  • HIV CHILD Discussion
    A discussion section including a brief review of the relevant literature and how this case brings new understanding to the disease process.
Figures, Tables and Multimedia

Authors should number figures in the order in which they appear in the text. Figures include graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations. Each figure should be accompanied by a legend that does not exceed 50 words. Use abbreviations unless these have not been expanded in the text. If a figure is reproduced from another source, authors are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder, and proof of permission must be sent to the editorial office, at initial submission. Authors are also required to provide level of magnification for histology slides.

File types acceptable: TIFF, GIF, JPEG

Tables should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and include appropriate headers. Tables should not reiterate information presented in the Results section, but rather should provide clear and concise data that further illustrate the main point. Tabular data should directly relate to the hypothesis.

Videos should be submitted in QuickTime 4.0 or higher format. All videos should be submitted at the desired reproduction size and length. To avoid excessive delays in downloading the files, videos should be no more than 6MB in size, and run between 30 and 60 seconds in length. Authors are encouraged to use QuickTime’s “compress” option when preparing files to help control file size. Video files should be named clearly to correspond with the figure they represent (i.e.,, etc). Be sure all video files have filenames that are no more than 8 characters long, and include the suffix “.mov.

IMPORTANT: One to four traditional still images from the video must be provided, along with mm:ss time indexes for each. These still images will be published in the print edition of the article and will act as thumbnail images in the electronic edition that will link to the full video file. Please indicate clearly in your text whether a figure has a video associated with it, and be sure to indicate the name of the corresponding video file. A brief figure legend should also be provided.

File Types acceptable: MPEG

For audio files, use MP3 or WAV files

Supplement Issues
The proceedings of sponsored meetings can be sent for publication in online supplement issue of Pediatric Oncall.

File type: Word or pdf.

Manuscript Submission
HIV IN requires that all manuscripts be submitted electronically. To submit a manuscript, please go to the link given below:

Conditions of Publication
All authors are required to affirm the following statements before their manuscript is considered:
  • HIV CHILD That the manuscript is being submitted only to HIV IN CHILDREN, that it will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration, that it has not been published elsewhere, and, should it be published in HIV IN CHILDREN, that it will not be published elsewhere—either in similar form or verbatim—without permission of the editors. These restrictions do not apply to abstracts or to press reports of presentations at scientific meetings.
  • HIV CHILD That all authors are responsible for reported research.
  • HIV CHILD That all authors have participated in the concept and design; analysis and interpretation of data; drafting or revising of the manuscript, and that they have approved the manuscript as submitted.
  • HIV CHILD All authors are also required to disclose any professional affiliation, financial agreement, or other involvement with any company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript.
Acceptance Criteria
Relevance to readers is of major importance in manuscript selection. HIV IN CHILDREN will consider manuscripts in the following categories: reports of original research, particularly clinical research; review articles; and case reports. Generally, all papers will be reviewed by at least two outside consultants who are selected by the editors based on their expertise in the topic of the manuscript. A report of original research will be judged on the importance and originality of the research, its scientific strength, its clinical relevance, the clarity with which it is presented, and the number of submissions on the same topic. The decision to publish is not based on the direction of results. Case reports are of interest only when they present a new entity or illustrate a major new aspect of a previously reported entity. If your manuscript is accepted, it will be published in the electronic edition of HIV IN CHILDREN currently.

Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the authors will receive a standard copyright agreement, which must be signed and returned to the editor. All accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of The Pediatric Oncall Health Professional Network and may not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part, without written permission from the Pediatric Oncall(with certain exceptions).

See Also: Copyright declaration

                 Editorial Policies

                 Patient Consent Form for HIV IN CHILDREN
Hiv in Children

This website is with a purpose to create awareness about impact of HIV in children, to dispel the myths and misconceptions and to aid the clinicians to develop a clinical acumen for effective management of these children and the affected families.




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Disclaimer: The information given by is provided by medical and paramedical & Health providers voluntarily for display & is meant only for informational purpose. The site does not guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of the information. Use of any information is solely at the user's own risk. The appearance of advertisement or product information in the various section in the website does not constitute an endorsement or approval by HivInChildren of the quality or value of the said product or of claims made by its manufacturer.